A Daring Experiment...
When I recently applied to join the League of Reformed Bloggers (LORB), I was sent a survey to ask if I subscribed to the five solas, and one of several confessions. In particular, I was asked if I hold onto:
a high view of God's sovereignty in salvation - in otherwords, God saves us on the basis of His choice or election, not on the basis of any foreseen faith in us. Furthermore, his sovereignty extends to His governance of all the affairs of creation. The other thing I mentioned is that all of the confessions affirm the five points of Calvinism.Although I would have unquestioningly accepted all of those tenets once, I found myself wavering. And it should have been okay for me to not qualify, but I found that it troubled me. I don't know why that is the case. After all, didn't I already declare myself a "misfit among misfits," someone who is very much in the outer of almost every category you can think of? Was it a need to belong? Or perhaps it was more an uneasiness that while I do not belong to the Reformed camp, I found myself not wholeheartedly satisfied with any of the alternatives. I am not sure if I am Reformed. Neither am I Lutheran, nor am I Arminian. My heritage and past affiliations included dispensationalist, Calvinist, Methodist, Wesleyan, Pentecostal, Covenant and Reformed. Currently, I think the most accurate label is Questioning or if you like, Questionable! I saw the group called un-Right Christian, but I just am not sure of the connotation of the label, for while I won't label myself a Right Winger, I am a little suspiscious of being labeled a Leftist.
What the heck! I told myself. Maybe there are others like me out there. Are there? Are you an uncategorized Christian? A Christian without a label? Someone who just doesn't fit anywhere else? Perhaps we can form our own Blog-ring, or Alliance or League or whatnot. This may come to naught, but hey it is worth an attempt! So, if you are interested please leave a comment to this post!
I am going to give Un-Right Christian a go and join up - I had a think or two about it, and realize that un-Right doesn't have to be Left. In any case, I still think it might be a fun idea to form a Christian Bloggers Without a Label group. Anyone out there interested??
Now, I must admit that I am a novice when it comes to things in and around the Blogosphere, but perhaps someone would like to sponsor such a group. If there is none, I am willing to spearhead such an alliance. However, if there were another, more experienced blogger out there, who can point the way, and help to form this group, so much the better. What would be the requirements of such a group? I think it would be this: A firm commitment to the historic gospel of Jesus Christ and a sense of non-belongingness to the standard Christian labels. What shall we call ourselves? Christian Bloggers Without A Label (CBWAL). If interested, please leave a comment to this post.
If you own a blog and you would like to do us a favor, please link to this post and help us publicize to the rest of blogosphere.