Questions to ponder over...
UPDATE: Thanks, to Michael McG, I caught a glaring error in this post and corrected it.
When Constantine declared the Roman Empire a Christian empire, was it better for the Church of the time? Or did it cause the church to be complacent, and to lose its vitality because it was "easier" to be a Christian, more "fashionable" to be a Christian, and more "advantageous" to be a Christian?
When the Communists took over China and kicked out all of its foreign missionaries, was it better or worse for the Church in China? Weren't there more people saved during the time after the erection of the Bamboo Curtain than before? Didn't the Suffering Church grew inspite of a regime that was decidedly against the spread of the gospel? What lessons can we learn from that?
Why are we so terrified that the humanists are "taking over" the nation? Don't we know that by erecting pro-Christian laws for a nation that was only pseudo-Christian to begin with will only lull the Church into thinking that this is a "Christian" nation? Don't we recognize that this nation is not the Lord's and will never be? Don't we realize that our Kingdom is not of this world? Why waste precious energy fighting the culture, the state and thinking that Christianity is about whether or not something is done or not done? Is it really that critical that we have laws forbidden something that those who are far away from the Lord, and far away from the gospel, would have done anyway? If we forbade them from doing it, will they be closer to heaven, closer to the gospel, or would we have just caused them to be resentful about us, to miss the heart of the gospel and to drive them further away from the very message that we want to bring to them?
Oh, may we be wise as serpents and harmless like doves!
What is the meaning of the gospel? How do people who have never heard measure us? Is it about a list of do's and don't's? Or is it about truth, righteousness and justice? How can we reach out to our neighbors with an authentic message of God's love, and draw them closer to the One who love them and desires to have a closer relationship with Him?
What kind of society do we want to help build in this country? What is the state of the Church? What our our priorities within the Church as well as our roles within society at large? How can we be most effective in the ministry to which God has called us? A ministry of reconciliation. A ministry of recovery - recovering the image of God in each individual. May God give us wisdom to find answers to these questions before it is too late!