I've Got Some (new) Traffic! Wooohoooo!
Whatever the (Big) Ten Christians Blogs are doing, they are doing something right (at least from my myopic perspective)! La Shawn Barber linked one of my posts today, and I am beginning to get some traffic from there. Those of you who are regular (all 10 of you! hehe, honestly, I don't know how many of you are regular readers) over here might remember my giddy brouhaha about my Large Mammal status (it made me check my gut in the mirror a couple of times, at least) on the TTLB Ecosystem.
Though many sites are linking to me by virtue of the fact that I am on the Blogdom of God and the Church Directory, it may be a fact that not many people are even aware of my blog's existence. So, today, when I checked my stats, it was gratifying to see not one, not two, but several referrals from Ms Barber. Thanks, sister! Not only am I getting traffic, I am also getting people who are willing to engage me in conversation. This is so cool. By the way, if you have come by here because of a link from another site, please post a comment and say, "Hi!" I'd love to hear from you.
I must say, I am not really sure how many of my readers are regular readers. I know I just recently gained a "regular" in Cindy Swanson, whose posts, when I first stumbled upon her site, resonated with me as she shared about her grief experience. Recently she left a comment over here to say that she has just discovered how to use Bloglines, she will be a more regular reader now! And, so have I (discovered Bloglines)! Recently I decided to go through my links of various Blog "accessories" and discovered how to use, for instance, Bloglines and finally found out how to activate my BlogStreet account as well! I have now added my Bloglines subs to the left. There are a few sites I read that I am not able to subscribe to, but that's ok for now. So I am now enjoying my Blogline account and found that I need not hop from blog to blog to read, but can just scroll through the updated blogs on my Blogline account and find posts of interest! Also, I find it easy to add to my subscription with just a right click with my Firefox extension! That's so cool!
Another thing I have done is also finally got Richard Hall of Connexions to add me to the Un-Right Christians Blogroll and Aggregator. I applied sometime ago after searching for a niche group to belong to and feeling a little more acutely the "in-the-outer-ness"- something about my identity crisis and the need to belong, you know, but initially, there were problems with my XML Feed apparently. Richard did some feed magic and presto, now I am part of a group of more or less like-minded sojourner-bloggers!
And I think that is the cool thing about the blogosphere. It allows you to enter into this whole new world of people all having different views and opinions and yet we can still share camaderie and fellowship with one another. We can shoot the breeze together in the imaginary bar. You just have to BYO beer, nuts or whatever else you do when you chinwag away with your pals. The beauty is you can do it with a laptop, in your pajamas, and watching Alias all at the same time!