More Limelight for the "Heretic" of the Month
From DJ Chuang: Rick Warren is going to spend the whole of Tuesday AND Wednesday on not one, or two or three but ten different shows nationally! Wow!
I can feel the heads shaking and the chins wagging already.
But I join DJ in asking that all those who see this as an opportunity for the gospel to pray for our brother.
Moreover, perhaps we need to see this an opportunity for all of us to talk to our friends and neighbors about what he wrote about, to pray that we are able to use this as a means to talk a little more about our faith with our friends.
Let's pray that God will use this man, in all his frailties, to say things that will make people want to know more.
Let's face it. This day and age, we are not going to have many D L Moody's, John and Charles Wesley's or Jonathan Edwards preaching repentance, hell-brimstone and fire style. Not for too long anyway.
Even if there were these kinds of preachers around, people are less likely to turn up in their hundreds and thousands to listen to that style of preaching.
We all acknowledge that people these days are more skeptical and less Biblically-aware and literate. After all, we acknowledge that we are in a post-modern age, and with the new age, comes new styles, including communication styles.
Yet, we also acknowlege that there is nowadays a noticeable resurgence of interest in spirituality, albeit, a different kind of spiritual awakening.
Rick Warren is one of the many voices to whom people are currently listening. He may not be preaching the kind of gospel that you might used to, but then again, very few people are listening to the kind of gospel you are used to.
However, God is working these days as He has always been working - through Christians relating to their non-Christian friends and neighbors.
Perhaps you can use this as an opportunity to talk to your non-Christian friends about what you believe. Perhaps the PDl is a way to open doors for you.
Recently, I said as much at the comment I left in response to this post at JollyBlogger's.
Whatever your take on PDL, on Rick Warren, his church, his beliefs, his teachings, hopefully you see it as an opportunity rather than as hindrance to your calling.