The Series on the Commandments
The Series on the Commandments opens with the meditation on what I call "The Heart of the Commandments". Using the narrative of the "rich young ruler" as a springboard I highlighted the relationship focus of the Commandments.
No Other Gods (The "first" commandment)
No Graven Images (The "second" commandment")
Do Not Misuse God's Name(The "third commandment")
Remember the Sabbath (The "fourth commandment")
"Two for the Price of One; No, Actually Three for the Price of One" (The "Greatest of the Commandments" - Jesus' summary of the Law and the Prophets)
Returning to the Commandments (A recap on the posts so far)
Another Look at the Commandments (A further recap underscoring my non-legalist view of the Commandments)
Honor your father and mother (The "fifth commandment")
A new command A meditation on the New Command Jesus gave to His disciples, understanding this command as a new command to the two greatest commandments rather than a new command to the "ten" commandments, and what it means to Christians today.
It Really Isn't About the ten nor About the Commandments A restatement of my non-legalist view of the Commandments and understanding of the grace and love underlying the relationship focus upon which it is based. In this post I made the point that the current controversy of the public display of the Decalogue is out of place because the Mosaic Commandments is really not about Moral or Legal Law but about the Grace and Love of God and the Relationship between His people and Himself.