Blogging Woes
Welcome! If you arrived here via BlogExplosion, please read this earlier post and share your own experience with BE. As mentioned in that post, I conducted a mini-experiment in the past week or so, and I have some preliminary findings which I will post later.
Something else has frustrated me recently and it is not with BE or with that 30-seconds-which-seem-like-an-eternity thing, or the clicking-at-28-seconds-and-losing-the-friggin'-credits-twice-in-a-row thing, or opps-clicked-wrong-number-by-mistake-again! thing, or worse, oh-here's-the-10-mystery-credits-won-but-oh-shit-I-press-the-wrong-key-and-now-its-gone thing. In fact nothing to do with BE.
My problem is with Blogger. Tried to get on to it a few times over the past week. By deliberatedly not surfing for credits it was supposed to give me more time to blog! But, Blogger gave up on me a few nights this past week. After logging in, and clicking on my blog link it just wait for many seconds before coming up with an internal server error! Whazzupwidat!?!
In fact, while trying to fix this post up, I found another problem with Blogger. I had an older window up and hit the publish accidentally and it overwrote my fixed post! Worse, after fixing it and trying to republish, I get this "Waiting for" message sitting there staring at me! Can I go to sleep yet????
So, that is why I am thinking of changing and need your opinion. Please go here if you have done something like this, and especially if you have experience with the providers I mention in that post.
For those who didn't come via BlogExplosion and if you have no idea what I am tlaking about, go here and have a gander and if you wish to join, click here. As some of the folks who posted their comments earlier, apart from getting more traffic, even though most are just credit-earners, you will get some new readers and some will become regular, and you do get to know a whole lot of other bloggers out there. So it is worth it, if you don't let it run-and ruin-your life!
...continue reading...Blogging Woes